Our world is in a challenging period fraught with tensions among nations and growing alienation among the people. The basic postulates of Freemasonry: Freedom, Equality, and Brotherhood, imbued with humanity and tolerance, are, in our belief, imperishable values of civilization, to which we always return in our Work. To adequately respond to the temptations of the present, we seek wisdom and encouragement in our ancient writings, values, and rules that have been a source of inspiration to generations of Freemasons and withstood the test of time that began centuries ago.
As an expression of the aspiration to gather around the original and pure, eternally actual postulates of our international Brotherhood, several Grand Lodges decided to create an alliance that will work together and in harmony to promote the ideals and values of Freemasonry, and to connect the Brothers from different countries together. At the gathering held in 2003 in Italy, the “Confederation of Grand Lodges of Southern Europe and the Mediterranean” was founded.
One of the founders of the Confederation, the National Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Italy 1805, possesses the most important Masonic document in that country – the Charter from 1805, by which the Grand Lodge and the Supreme Council in Italy were simultaneously established. This Charter was issued by the Marquis de Grasse-Tilly (Alexandre Francois Auguste de Grasse, Comte de Grasse-Tilly), in his capacity as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of France and Deputy Grand Commander of the First Supreme Council of the World (“Mother Council of the AASR”).

With the Accession to the Confederation of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Serbia (GMLS) in 2011 and the Grand Masonic Lodge of Austria in 2013, a need arose to omit the adjective “Southern” from the title and change it to “Confederation of Grand Lodges of Europe and the Mediterranean”. This update was approved during the gathering of Grand Masters in Salzburg (Austria) in 2013.
Delegations of the Grand Lodges, led by the Most Worshipful Grand Masters gather every year in one of the Confederation’ member countries at a regular annual meeting, where in addition to formal talks, the Ritual Work of all present Brothers is held.
All the Grand Lodges of our Confederation work according to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.
In addition to regular annual meetings, the Brothers gather every year in early spring in Montebelli, Tuscany (Italy), on the estate of the Venerable Brother L.F., where meetings, lectures, and gatherings are held during the weekend. Traditionally, the crown of the gathering is a joint Ritual work in the open air, in the “Labyrinth”.

The Grand Masonic Lodge of Serbia (VMLS) hosted the annual meeting of the Confederation on two occasions: in 2012 and 2018.
Our Lodges: Pobratim (Eng: The Blood Brother), Vaseljena (Eng: The Universe) and Istina (Eng: The Truth), that work under the protection of GMLS are twinned with the Lodges from Italy, France, Austria, Greece, and Bulgaria, which work under the protection of our fraternal Grand Lodges.
Grand Lodges, members of the
⋅ Grand National Lodge of the Freemasons of Italy 1805 ⋅
⋅ Grande Loge Traditionnelle & Moderne de France ⋅
⋅ Grand Masonic Lodge of Portugal ⋅
⋅ Gran Oriente de Espana ⋅
⋅ Grand Lodge of Andalusia ⋅
⋅ Regular Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Greece ⋅
⋅ National Grand Lodge of Bulgaria ⋅
⋅ Grand Masonic Lodge of Serbia ⋅
⋅ Grand Masonic Lodge of Austria ⋅
⋅ Grande Loge Nationale Marocaine ⋅
⋅ Grand Lodge of New Enlightenment of Romania ⋅
⋅ Grand Lodge Jerusalem of the Ancient and Accepted Freemasons of Israel ⋅
For additional information, please refer to the Confederation website: www.cglem.org